Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot


These letters were given to me by a friend, when we left for the US. Today they seem especially relevant as I've just viewed a house and OMG! What a house! It's The One I've been looking for for ages and although, currently, it has some rather dodgy looking pine cladded walls in places and poky rooms at the back, and the teeny tiny kitchen needs sledgehammering (along with the walls in those poky back rooms!!) with lots and lotsa bit of time, effort and money, it could be the house of our dreams.

It has a swing porch!!! I've ALWAYS wanted a swing porch!! :D

So now, I need to get the Husband to view it ASAP and, errrm, start learning about how to buy a house in a country I've never bought a house in. Daunting, but curiously very exciting.

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