
By gilliebg

Meet Iggy

Iggy will probably become my blip filler, (although I said I didn't want to post fillers!); he was discovered on a crate outside a health food shop in Boca Raton Florida. He had been left with a rescue organisation by someone who had, in the short six months of his life, become bored with him. He comes to call, sits on demand and is bi-lingual Spanish/English. Boca Raton is where older folk go to live forever, fighting off the ravages of age (with the help of extremely wealthy doctors), and they live in beautifully manicured developments where, on the whole, pigs are unwelcome. Iggy hit lucky on that day,as he has come to live on the horse farm, which Tom manages. He is being introduced to the dogs, and sooner or later, the horses will catch sight of him. I do so hope I am there with my camera, when that happens; horses are generally very cautious when it comes to pigs. Well some are cautious, and some will just dump their riders and leave. Iggy is also a great photographic exercise. I tried to take pictures of him with his new friends today but the difficulties of exposing a black pig, with fair children defeated me. I shall persist as I think a shot of Iggy and Nia will be very cute. Thisis a link to the kid's shot, just to show how small he is!

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