nogbad's blips

By nogbad

To keep you warm

What a stunning sunrise this morning - while I was trudging along through Tunbridge Wells because matey on the radio warned me that there was an accident at J8 on the M25 and it was tailed back past J5. It took 90 minutes to do 30 miles this AM but the sights were stunning, around each bend there were trees and fields gilded with frost or streams cloaked in layers of mist and the glorious crimson sun painting the clouds in vivid pinks.

The trip home - same route because there was an accident where the M25 and M26 split - and it was the moon that held me rapt. The size of an old penny it filled the world with pale light and it silhouetted the leafless trees. But I couldn't stop to take shots because the only places without light pollution were also the places where the next bloke to come around the corner would have collected me and my motor. When I got back here it was already high and much smaller and there is a big sodium light lit in the farmyard until the early hours and street lights out front.

So this will have to do; okay so I've popped some colour - do I feel dirty? You betcha - so sue me!

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