Only prayer is Thank You

By gr8tfulkaren

Known Only to God

In keeping with my goal to do something different this year, I wandered across the road to the Masonic cemetery here in historic Middleway, WV.

While roaming about trying to get a sense of the people who built this town, I was saddened by all the gravestones that were fallen over or broken, the ones that were illegible, and those who died too young. Perhaps my mood was already melancholy. A good friend just lost her canine companion of 15 years which reminds me of the time left with my very old dog. My ex-husband finally tracked down an old friend of ours only to find out he died on January 2 ( he was so close). And here on blip this morning I found a woman's journal that was celebrating the birth of her son who is now lost to cancer. After reading her journal, I decided to go out and experience life instead of sitting on the couch with the laptop all afternoon.

Back to the cemetery - the weather matched my mood, sullen and overcast. The cemetery was in need of upkeep. Flowers and wreaths strewn about. Weeds overgrown onto grave markers. Perhaps it was the weather, or the graves of so many forgotten people, perhaps it was the mortality of all those I love that brought me to tears. I was crying. I was crying like I was at a funeral.

I have lots of photos to remember the day's adventure but this one sums it up for me. I headed to the back of the cemetery to try to get a panoramic shot of the entire church and cemetery. In the adjacent pasture, there were a few cows curious about me. One approached the fence to greet me and I realized the cow was crying. Great big crocodile tears. I am not sure if it is a normal thing for cow's to cry or if there is a biological reason for it. We sat there crying together for a few moments, listening to the crows, with a cold wind whipping out of the west. So here it is. My blip for today is tears of sorrow for all those gone who will always be remembered and all those who are known only to God.

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