Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Let us be your cookie dealer!

It is Girl Scout cookie season and we would love to be your cookie dealer! I promise to let this be my last post about Girl Scout cookies this season. In my opinion, the cookie selling season lasts too long. We like to sell hard early and wrap things up. We are seasoned sellers. We know people don't like to be asked to support Girl Scouts by buying cookies for 6 weeks! We like to sell cookies for about 2-3 weeks and move on with our lives.

My girls are super excited about selling cookies this year. I have very fond memories of selling Girl Scout cookies door to door as a kid while my mom patiently drove along with me. Cookie sales are a wonderful lesson in sales, marketing, keeping track of your money, setting goals, perseverance and most importantly being told "no" without taking it personally.

Remember that you can also buy cookies to be sent to our troops overseas if you for some crazy reason don't need any Girl Scout cookies. This fundraiser helps support our Girl Scout council as well as our troop. Thank you so much for your time. *Curtsy*

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