Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Wat Suan Dok

The train was full heading North to Chiang Mai and I had to opt for a faster but more expensive, less interesting bus ride overnight to the North. When I arrived bleary eyed in the pre-dawn hours I immediately lay my aching back down to rest and soak in the atmosphere after a long journey.

It is cool up here, downright cold. Hazy low mountain ridges frame the skyline outside of town. Cocks crow and hoopoos and rock doves purr in the early morning dawn hours. It is distinctly not Bangkok, and I like that too. Instead it is quite and laid back here. It is also beautiful and culturally interesting. Chiang Mai was founded in the 1200's as a hub of trade between Chinese, Burmese, and Southern Thais and was the capital of the anceint Lanna kingdom which once thrived here. Around the city are the ancient remains of the crumbling wall and moat that hem in the old city from the new. There are also innumerable wats, or temples full of motifs of the Buddha, dutiful young monks, and elaborate lanna architectural details. This is just one of many Buddha motifs I snapped walking around this afternoon and peeking my head into a couple wats.

Wandering the streets to take in the atmosphere can feel a little lonely for me when there are other foreigners around, especially so many couples. Chiang Mai is firmly on the tourist highway after all, with many other farang here than me. So I wandered back to the cozy clean guesthouse I found here for the night a little detached and forlorn. And just then to my surprise I ran into my friend Yao who I came up here to see! It was a great surprise to see here and Nathan from the farm, Punpun where I will be heading next week.

We hugged and talked and caught up on oh so many great things. Yao grew up in the deep South of Thailand but lives here now. She runs a little cafe and organic cooking class beside the farm she started all herself. When I visisted two years ago she became a warm and close friend. We've been in touch ever since and so I have returned. You'll see why later next week on blip :) For today though, we celebrated together, toasted with wine and beers, met new people and chatted about life, and listened to jazz at a local music co-op late into the night.

It was a warm welcome back to Chiang Mai.

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