Me and Max

By grete

Self Portrait as Angel Descending Stairs

...all photographs are selfportraits.
- Minor White

Continuing to look for Self in photos, I was tempted (yes, even angels are...) to explore this side of myself :-)

I am always amazed to discover the double nature of things. Last post contained words like downtrodden, squashed, squeezed, invaded. Thanks to all generous commentators and especially to Pearlsandprose who wrote - The man underneath could also be giving support to everyone else.

Hah! Hadn´t thought of it like that....

As a youngster I was under the spell of the good-girl fairy (or witch, depending on which way you look at it..). Always nice, always doing the expected, always (well, almost always) abiding by the rules. I didn´t even smoke behind the school bicycle shed, if you see what I mean...

It was as much about survival as having a genuine heart of gold. The nicer you were, the more people liked you. Right?

Then came the period where I discovered the word choice. I dipped my wings in black and tried to figure out whether you can you take an unpopular view and still keep your friends and family. Actually I am still a little awed that this is an option...

T.S.Eliot was a wise guy. He knew that exploration is not simply about finding the other side of the moon. You need to come full circle...

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

So, though my wings are a bit soiled with a numbers of feathers missing, I keep revisiting the good natured me again and again.

It is not such a bad place to be really. As long as I don´t stumble in my long frock and know how to bend my knees to pick up those lost feathers.....

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