rosies world

By hebsauntroselee

a touch of blue

these are dendrobium orchids that are cerise pink but dyed blue which makes the pink similar to a cadburys purple, I need them for a bridal bouquet.

I was asked the other day what simple things make me happy and I was unable to answer as I am pretty happy most of the time, but today I had my answer
this morning feeling tired sorry for myself I was in the traffic and saw a boy with down syndrome walking along, he must have slipped on a patch of ice and his face lit up and he just kep slipping arms in the air and slid, was lovely to watch, he was so happy skating.
later a little girl came into the shop and while her mum was talking to me she helped herself to a balloon not blown up but with butterflies and flowers on and said " I have found a pressie and its mine!" just like that, I did give her a pink balloon that was blown up.
later another little girl with her mum buying some flowers was asked by her father what flowers she like, with the most lovely little face she said " i dont like flowers i'm just a little girl"
All this makes me happy doesnt cost anything just the simple things.

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