
By MrsLambchop

What a day

It started with my daughter sitting with her head on one side, saying her ear was "full of water". Yellow pus, to be precise.

8.10am: First visit to GP surgery. Straight to reception desk and make appointment for 11.40. This is a miracle. Usually it's constant redial from when the lines open at 8.30 and then you have to go onto triage...

8.15am: Second visit to GP surgery. I have realised I need to be somewhere else at 11.45am. Re-make appointment.

10am: Third visit to GP surgery. By now there is no space in the car park and no seats left in the waiting room. Get home an hour later with more antibiotics and an ENT referral for Miss Pussy Ears.

2.50pm: Fourth visit. Still no space in the car park but at least now there are some seats. In my madness I had thought it would be "easier" to have 12 month immunisations and pre-school boosters done at the same time. Yeah, I was clearly thinking clearly. Yes it was only one visit but how do you hold two children down at the same time? We had sweets, and the nurse found an extra pair of hands. She then stuck needles in four arms and one leg of my two youngest boys. She advised "lots of calpol. Or wine"

3.20pm: We leave to collect remaining unjabbed/unsick offspring. There is much screaming and accusations of the nasty lady who 'pinned us'

6pm: This round of ibruprofen, amoxil and an early bath & bed.

I went to bed at 8.30pm (did I mention the baby was teething and up much of the night before?) and by 10pm was sharing with no2 and no4 children before one of them chucked up necessitating a change of PJs and bedclothes.

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