The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Twa Legged Michie Mice

Twa Legged Mice
J K Annand

My mither says that we hae mice
That open air-ticht tins
And eat her chocolate biscuits
And cakes and siclike things.

Nae doubt it is an awful shame
That mice should get the blame
It?s really me that rypes the tins
When left my lane at hame

But jings I get fair hungert
And biscuits taste sae nice
But dinna tell my mither for
She thinks it is the mice

Hannah has been learning her poem for the Burns competition tomorrow. She has spent so much time rehearsing it that Ella is now word-perfect in the final verse too. The girls took great delight in surprising me with their rendition of the poem when I came home from work tonight.

The Burns competition is a big deal in oor hoose - I was brought up in Ayrshire and my parents cherish my Burns Federation Award far more than any of those trifling University degrees I got. I have a horrible suspicion that I may see winning the Burns competition as being the pinnacle of Hannah's education too.

Yes folks, I am turning into my mother.

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