Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Islands in the sun

What a beautiful day for photography!
Cold, crisp, clear blue skies, and plenty to shoot.

In the end I gave the choice to my husband, and he chose this one of a cairn with a circle of trees near our home.


Because he loved the colour of the sky in contrast to the bleached stubble, and "the fact the trees aren't in the middle"!

Hmm. He could be right.

Anyway it was an otherwise rather productive day as I finally managed to complete my tax return, and owe the Taxman a lot less than I had initially thought, so a glass of wine tonight in celebration.
Only one mind, cos I also worked out we owe the electricity supplier three times what they initially estimated, thus wiping out most of the joy that it is not going to HMRC.

Oh well, tax free day sometime in May this year methinks?

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