Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics


Went out with the cat for a walk around the woods again today. Right off there was movement in the bushes! This little Douglas' squirrel, aka pine squirrel, which is what we call 'em here, ran up the tree with a cone in his mouth. I took a few shots of him and do apologize for the lack of sharpness, but he was hard to pin down! I was going to crop this closer but wanted you to see what I was dealing with to get a shot of him. Also using AF so that made it harder to get him in focus, but had no time to do differently. Of course as soon as he spied the cat he was off and running, cussing as he went up the tree. Darn cat. The cat also likes to walk right in front of me, and when he does sometimes lag behind, he shoots through my legs as I take a step in order to get right in front of me again! Darn cat. On the way back though, I was ahead of him because he stopped to sniff at something only a cat would be interested in, so he didn't catch up to me till I was in our yard. Then he complained to me all the way up to the house, and ran between my legs when I opened the kitchen door! Darn cat. Had to give him a kitty treat to get him back outside. Smart cat.

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