Dear Heart

By dearheart

Lipsticks stains on frozen fingertips

Dear Heart,
It is not a very special picture, I know. But it was one of the views that struck me on my walk today. I can tell already that blipping will prove a good motivational tool for getting me out of the flat - I so desperately want to snap something brilliant!
Revision was going nowhere so I slipped on the Audrey with a mind to buy a new tube of lipstick and headed out to the path behind the trees. I can't believe I've been living here a whole term and have never walked the wood path into town before. Usually when I walk I need music in my ears, but no - I just listened to the silence. It was so peaceful; the ducks on the water let the river carry them down with me. At one point, I am positive I heard someone playing piano and singing - rather well, too. There's a songbird in the trees...
I like nothing better than being alone, which looks terribly morbid written down. But it's true - today I got to wander around doing just what I liked. I sat down in a smoothie bar and sipped in silence, watching everyone rush past me. I looked around the arcades, peeping into the vintage stores and book shops. It was bliss. I walked until my legs were numb with cold.
Lipstick-hunting proved amusing, but unsuccessful. I would have found the idea of lipstick-stained fingers a lot more romantic had I eventually managed to pick a shade! As it was, they and my ruby-red mouth just proved annoying.
Yes, I listened to music on the way back. The only thing one should ever do as the sun sets is go out walking, humming along to Opus 36 or Patrick Doyle. It is the closest thing to heaven that I know of, and should be prescribed as medicine.
Today's sun is setting on my back, turning my hair and the apples of my cheeks pink, as if the sun were melting into me. I hope you are enjoying it too.
Love, Lydia x

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