A Lifted View

By liftd

The First Time

for a lot of things can be so good.

The Philosophy of a four-year-old is that of Joy, Love,
Sorrow, & imagination. The lines are simply drawn, and
every aspect of life is strikingly beautiful and intimately
adventurous. Most evident, always, are Love, Joy, &
Sorrow. There is no better definition of these emotions
than the innocent eyes of a child, for these are what
matters most to their pure hearts. Sadly, as they grow
older, the lines tend to blur, and the emotions are
tainted. Sorrow slowly becomes Anger, and the definitions
of Love & Joy are slowly replaced by the practicality of
adult thought. In short, the emotions are no longer
defined by something intangible, but by the human being
itself. Who becomes, apparently, arrogant enough to try
and master and define the simple gifts that define
their humanity. The saddest death is that of imagination,
which is replaced by necessity, conformity, and other things
that are more important. I try to hold to imagination, and still
smile like a child while I eat my triple-scoop ice cream cone.
I also do my best to get ice cream all over my shirt.

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