Panda Days
Early start after bad night's sleep (uncomfortable broken sofabed, with single sheets instead of double - and no-one around to ask to sort it out...) and up to the slopes in glorious sunshine.
Conor had a ski lesson in the morning, while we skied with Katherine. Despite being really quite a good skier, she freaked on her first run of the day and had to be talked down (crying - her, not me) until she remembered how to do it. Then it was plain sailing. Conor seemed to have fun in his lesson, but after lunch was resolutely refusing to have anything to do with my teaching style and ended up running off down the hill in a big sulk.
A lazy few hours back at base playing chess (everyone except me) and snoozing (me) and then dinner seemed to put everyone in a better mood. And finding Lazytown on the telly. In fact I think Lazytown gets most of the credit.
The shot is from our lunch table half-way up the Baqueira hill, looking back down the valley towards where we were staying.
EDIT: to explain the title - those of us wearing sunglasses ended up with 'panda eyes' today from the sunshine.
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