
By dogwithnobrain

It Makes Your Heart Feel Strange Inside....

When the kids were little, I took them out "Cultivating".

Cultivating, was the gathering of Daffodils from wherever we might find them. I would stop the car, in all innocence in a random wild place and yell "Cultivate". The kids would bounce out the car, get as many daffodils as they could and dive, breathless back into the car. I would howl in delight at the masses of daffodils they had gathered, and get them back to the house to decorate my window ledges.

My reasoning was, that a daffodil bulb which produced one flower and died, would only produce one flower next year; by picking the daffodil we were making the bulb work extra hard to produce two flower next year. By my theory, I had my children convinced that our gathering of daffodils would produce even more the following year.

My husband, that poor beleaguered man was horrified by my actions and accused me of terrorising the children. But I wasn't, they loved the excitement; he just couldn't cope with it. One morning, very early, we were dropping the kids at my mums, before we headed to work, and a little voice in the back said "need daffydils for nursway". We were half way along the road into town and I spotted a planting in the wild. I Bounced the car onto the verge and gave my husband "the look". The kids squealed in delight, and that lovely man of mine got out the car, and sunk into 7 inches of mud. Glared at me, but got the daffys for his baby anyway.

I then had manouver the car out of the mud and get back on our schedule, all the while our beloved protector telling Tooli NOT to tell the Nursery Teacher where she got the flowers from.

Sadly however, Karma came back and bit me on the bum! I have seriously annoyed Mother Nature, and she won't allow Daffodils to grow in my garden any more. No matter how many bulbs I plant, no matter how long it is since I have "Cultivated", no daffodil will spring into life.

I am left with no option but to buy them.

I believe however, that by confessing my sins here, to you all in the land of Blip, and promising hand on heart never to cultivate again, Mother Nature might hear me, and speak with Karma, and let me have daffs in my garden again.

I'm sorry Mother Nature. I promise, most earnestly, that I will endeavour NEVER to pick another daffodil which isn't mine. :-(

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