Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

A little rally driver?

I have hardly ever seen her so thrilled.

We stopped for a small break at a gas station in Lohja on our way to my parents. The trip so far had been harder than we expected. We hoped that she would've slept most of the time, instead she did not want to sleep at all.

So, in the gas station I took the little princess for a short while to hang with me on the driver's seat.

Standing on my lap, hands on the steering wheel. Thrilled as much as one can be.

She can turn the radio on and off. This is gonna be fun.

Daddy, daddy - the text goes invisible when I press this button. Look daddy!

Oh why - oh why, Why is it so dark out there? If I wiped the windscreen - would it help? Daddy, daddy - look, when pulling the lever some liquid gets into the windscreen and the wipers clean it up.

This is fun! Let's do this more often.

Mommy! Look!

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