
By FauxPunk

Redscale? ish?


Saw a pic on here yesterday (can't remember who's, sorry!) that was done as a redscale project. There was a handy link too that told me what that was... it's basically a technique on film whereby the film is loaded backwards... the layers of the film are exposed in reverse order, and as a result the red & yellow hues are more dominant. It looks pretty cool, so I googled to see if there was a way to photoshop it. There are a few, but I also noticed lots of tutorials doing it roughly the same way, so tried it that way. These are the results of my attempt... not sure yet what I think...

A good day at work - note-took in a meeting for my boss - interesting to see how he works in those situations.

Went food shopping in the evening, for healthy food. Was a successful trip, but I was knackered when we got back... not because food shopping is tiring, just because it was kinda late. Earlyish night, went out like a light!

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