On Second Thought...

By KiltedPhoenix

A Sad Day For Rovers

This is the damage done to Wandering Gypsie's Land Rover today after some slipping and sliding and spinning ending in a roll-over. We were going just below the speed limit on a road that we had just been down (in the same direction) 20 min earlier. Must have just caught a piece of ice just right to send us spinning. Everyone is ok, no injuries to Gypsie or myself or our 2 y/o son who was with us too.
But I think i gave the 2 passer-bys that helped us out of the rover a bit more than they wanted to see as I was wearing my kilt and climbing out of the passenger side door which was pointed skyward.

Just proves that while 4x4 is great in the snow, it can still lose it on the roads.

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