A time for everything

By turnx3

Fall and Winter

Today was one of those picture perfect winter days - blue sky and sunshine on freshly fallen snow - though it was bitterly cold, starting at about 5 degrees F and warming to a mere 15 degrees F. When it gets that cold, salt on the roads doesn't have much effect, so there were numerous accidents on the roads this morning. Fortunately Roger didn't encounter any problems on his way to work, and since I didn't have to be anywhere at a specific time, I didn't venture out to the fitness center until late morning, and whilst the roads weren't totally clear, I didnt encounter any real problems either. I stopped by the church on the way, to take this blip of the lake at the back of the property - I loved the contrast of the dead leaves against the snow-covered lake.
We've just got back from a great evening out. Having lived in France for ten years we are very fond of French food, and one of our favorite restaurants is La Petite France. We don't eat there too often however, as it's a bit pricey! However, we are on their e-mail list, and a couple of weeks ago we received an e-mail informing us of a special event tonight - "Spanish sensations" -a four-course dinner, with Spanish wine pairings for each course. It wasn't cheap, but we decided to treat ourselves. Apparently, this is a more or less monthly event, featuring different wines, and presented by a different wine merchant each month. We were seated at a table with four other people, providing interesting conversation, then besides the good food, the wine merchant spoke briefly about each wine - telling us about the region it was from and something about the particular winery. Then in the background they had four ladies playing dulcimers. All in all, a good evening!

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