through kirnik eyes

By kirnik


Main Entry: order
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: arrangement, organization
Synonyms: adjustment, aligning, array, assortment, cast, categorization, classification, codification, composition, computation, disposal, disposition, distribution, establishment, form, grouping, harmony, layout, line, lineup, management, method, neatness, ordering, orderliness, pattern, placement, plan, procedure, procession, progression, propriety, regularity, regulation, rule, scale, scheme, sequence, series, setup, standardization, structure, succession, symmetry, system, tidiness, uniformity
Notes: an order is being told to do something with no specific guidelines, a command is being told to do something in a specific way, and a directive is being told to do something and getting this information through channels
Antonyms: confusion, disorder, disorganization, mess, muddle

Main Entry: order
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: lawfulness
Synonyms: calm, control, decorousness, decorum, discipline, goodness, integrity, law, law and order, niceness, orderliness, peace, peacefulness, probity, properness, propriety, quiet, rectitude, rightness, seemliness, suitability, tranquility, uprightness
Antonyms: lawlessness, liberty, license


Since two weeks, K is brainwashing me for cleaning our refrigerator. This morning her wish has become real. I love order, "taxis" in greek or "taxi" in modern greek. The feeling of perfection!!!

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