Language of the Puzzle...

I seem to have aquired a collection of 'cube' puzzles. I have a rubik's cube which I've converted to a blind puzzle, a string of wooden cubes that is made up to a larger cube. My dad's magnetic puzzle cube is still kicking about along with some wooden lock together puzzle cube and I think it is this that led to secret santa giving me this monstrosity.

All of the above save for the monstrosity, I have managed in a not too long time and have at least seen glimmers of completion throughout tinkering with them.

Secret Santa's monstrosity is a humm-ding-a-ling!!! You may have seen it in the shops under the name Bedlam cube. It says on the box that there are around 19,000 solutions to make back into a cube. I've gotten absolutely nowhere near any of them.

The language of the puzzle is the little clues or rules that generally help you out a little. For example, with the magnetic cube puzzle every magnet should have a partner and none should show on the outside. This lets you know when you may have pieces in the wrong place.

I threw down the guantlet to a guy I used to work with as he got one for his chrimbo as well. Who can be first to complete it?

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