Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Dog Tired...

Work today, very busy!
I'm not complaining as when you set up a new business, it's great when you start getting clients from word of mouth, and when they come and are impressed with the service we provide, it makes it all worthwhile!

This 'lil chap came in for his vaccinations today, a lovely bouncy boxer, of whom his owner is rightly very proud. Anyway after the vaccination, I was running through advice on worming, neutering, and other puppy stuff, and he decided it had all been far too much for him and fell asleep on the table!

He looked so sweet, and his owner was delighted to let me photograph him for my blip.

Back to work again tomorrow, and it looks to be equally busy, so no doubt by this time tomorrow, I'll be "dog tired" as well........

Have a good weekend all.

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