mit out sound

By audioengineear

Birds Eye View

We spent some time afternoon at The Somerset Collection. (for the uninitiated, it's a huge three level shopping mall). This weekend there was a large robotics exhibit. For the few who follow my journal you may recall that my youngest took part in a Lego Robotics League last year. This exhibit included that league and much more. It was a Lego and robotics extravaganza. They had everything from a Duplo play area and a Lego construction area to large robotics and even underwater robots. My youngest was in heaven. :)
This is a shot from the third level looking down on the madness. I took quite a few pics but my family agreed that we all liked the color and the symmetry of this shot. For what it's worth, this is straight off the card.

It's a shivery cold weekend in the D. Temps today were in the teens (F).
Enjoy your weekend friends.

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