Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Helpful Hands

This is Anne sewing Daniel's favourite sweatshirt that was torn last week. I am hopeless with sewing or anything handcrafty - I took a sewing class when I young and havent touched it since :) I dont have the patience for it. Luckily Anne does and she was kind enough to help me out today and fix this for me. Her sewing machine is almost retro, from the 70's and something quite cool about it I thought.

Feeling quite uninspired today - it really feels like a Sunday. And that is ok - it has been a slow day with doing practical things here and there and some work as well. My slowness/Sunday feeling probably has more to do with lack of sleep than anything else. So I am going to make sure I am ok for class tomorrow morning and climb into bed with book....I am reading Macbeth for class next week but that is more of a sit at a desk and read while I take notes type book....not a lazy Sunday evening novel :) Maybe I will try reading something just for fun - I havent done that since I started this job - luckily we teach a lot of great works so I certainly havent suffered any.

Sorry I have been even worse than normal with my commenting on your journals - I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend :)

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