Roly's Life

By Roly


It seems like a very long time since I blipped Bert, my cat, for my first ever blip. We have not been able to put a cat flap in this house. Instead he has a cat flap into the smallest shed in the world and a cosy snug basket. He can come and go during the day but is turfed out at bedtime. The problem with this is that when the theme is pets and you want to blip your cat, he vanishes...

So this is Jingles, Bella's fish that I think I mentioned here . She ended up with 2 - Monty and Jingles but sadly Monty only lasted a month. Monty2 fared even worse and was dead within a week. Poor old Jingles is destined to a life alone...

By the way - is it really difficult to blip a fish or was I just having a bad day?

Oh and I was late with yesterday's blip so here it is

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