SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Things in life...

you can't live without and for me this is one of them! My Iphone!

I was resolutely against them when they first came out, wouldn't have one blaghdy blaghdy blagh... then in late November, early Dec 09 my Nokia 95 was giving up the ghost and I was convinced by fellow blipper, Life is for Living and a few others that really I needed to go Apple! So wandering into the Orange shop perused the alternatives had a play with an Iphone on display and a few moments later I was the proud owner of one of these incredible machines.

At the time... it was quite a coup as Orange do the recycle your old phone thingy and low and behold although it was driving me nuts crashing and freezing to Orange my phone was worth £104... bargain! That £104 paid for a weekend in Lanzarote, return flight, hotel, car park, hotel transfers and a cheeky beer thrown in for good measure! I honestly do not think I have had more out of £104 than I did that weekend! (as chronicled here on blip Dec 11th 2009) R at the time was working in Ghana and I was home alone and feeling down. So that weekend will always be special to me as it was a cracking weekend and much needed!

Now the phone is full of apps, news, Right Move, Map My Fitness, Bike etc, couple of games, hotels, flights, the addiction that is Facebook, Blip, Trip Advisor, travel journals, Endomondo, Nike fitness... it amazes me that there is an app for just about anything!

But during the day I can be near my email... in the car I can have the ipod running through the stereo... it reminds me when its time to have my hair cut! The alarm can be set to the most delicate of sounds to wake you up in a morning, lovely! (i'm not a morning person by any means!)

But to top it off... I can also ring my Mum and the lovely R! Brilliant!

I hate to say it but... I love my Iphone! How sad am I!

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