
By dsyglsy

barney's version

I got up and into town early (for a sunday) to go and see 'barney's version' at the belmont today with a free ticket from the guardian. I had wanted to see this film anyway having seen the poster for it in the cinema a few weeks ago - paul giamatti is always ace..and the film was great - dustin hoffman: hilarious.

there's something really nice about going to the cinema in the morning - well, let's face it, I'd say that about any time of day...and it was quite nice to go alone - reminded me of being a student where I went a lot on my own (which I didn't always appreciate at the time).

the belmont cinema (the best in aberdeen) has had a poster sale running for months where you can buy film posters that have been displayed over the years - and the money raised goes to charity. but the thing is, you have to unroll every poster to see what it is - so you can spend hours (and I have) looking for a film that you liked. I was always after a 'darjeeling limited' one - but never found it. last summer, I did find an 'american splendor' one which I love and am waiting for the right frame to come along for. but today - the first roll I picked up was 'the life aquatic with steve zissou', one of my favourite films - so I'm chuffed to bits, and will be getting it framed soon. I know - I'm sad. I also got 'little miss sunshine' and 'oh brother where art thou' - but I'm not sure about framing them...meh, we'll see.

so all that - then going to shieldon for tea, it's been a great sunday for me! I'd like more days like this please. hope your sunday has been good too...

...right, off to break open series two of 'breaking bad'.

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