
By Juleshki


Smells divine.

Would I have hyacinths on my kitchen window sill all year round if I could? Mmmm?

When I was younger I didn't understand why or how Gertrude Jekyll would want a garden where she grew only white flowers. Whilst I'm not quite entirely with her yet on that one, I fear I am treading the same path and think I may not be far behind. I love the combination of whites and greens in any kind of flower. And I just love hyacinths.

Whilst I'm not all white yet, I do limit my colours in the garden to whites, blues, purples, some pinks. And of course, green.

Definitely no orange. No yellow. No red.

I shall be making some changes in my garden this year. I may even lose a colour.
But before all that, first we need some sunshine and warmth please.

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