As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

A Morning in SoCo

That is what they call the area on South Congress in Austin with its quirky shops, funky restaurants and street vendors on the weekends.

I found this guy and a bunch of his friends hanging out at one of the booths. I could not figure out how to get him home in my luggage so I decided to let him e a blip instead.

We went on a quest for "real" coffee this morning and ended up out by Lake Travis. Next it was wandering around SoCo, as mentioned above and we finished off with a trip to Whole Foods flagship store. It is huge and everything is just as expensive as it is in Portland (no surprise there.)

Oh wait, there was a bookstore as well, Book People, I think it is my fourth or fifth favorite bookstore ever. I live near the greatest bookstore in the known universe, then there is City Lights in SF, Shakespeare and Co. in Paris and Elliot Bay Books in Seattle. What do they all have in common? They are all independently owned.

Tomorrow it is back on a plane to P-town and some real Blip time.

Thanks for looking in.

Happy blipping

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