Look again...do you see?!

By edwardtillard

An icy reflection on life...

If you didn't know I was up in Nottingham this weekend and what better way to deal with a hangover than a nice afternoon walk :)

We went for lunch at the lakeside cafe on campus and then spent a couple of hours chilling out in the fresh air. Oh "we", well that was Jo and Dan, as the others were playing football (urgh)...such a great few hours relaxing, it was nice to find have people to do that with again :) We have come up with a super duper summer plan too, a road trip through europe! I did it last year and it was the most amazing holiday of my life, with so many great memories, so I knew I was going do it again this year but was going alone on it....but looks like I have some good travel buddies now :D

Btw sorry for the backblip :S I ran out of time this weekend and was so ill yesterday...to be honest still feeling it today but it was so worth it, it was such an amazing weekend again! xxx

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