In-between the seconds

By Lisalou

Chaque jour est une vie

I wear this ring to remind myself of this when I have days like today.

I work for a charity called "Artipousse" we run art workshops with kids (or adults) who have learning difficulties or who are in a situation that is difficult. We are four artists who live in rural France each working with a different medium, we work togetter or apart depending on the project. My current projects are diverse: a painting on a school wall, printing with kids who mothers are in prison and calligraphy with illiterate women. (do you see the irony?)

All wonderful, so why the bad day? Paperwork, forms, minutes...

The french love paperwork, it creates jobs. People are payed to move paper from one office to another, just so they can send it back to you. Then the whole process starts again. At one desperate point in the day I made the mistake of phoning up to ask, no hello, how are you? or another welcoming phrase just (and I quote) "Yes, what do you want?"

Six hours later, minutes are written, forms filled, paperwork filed (all in french) and I am feeling rather pleased with myself.

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