
By Instography

A Monday like most others. Let's not say any more about it.

Now, on the subject of meting out suitable punishments to the annoyances of the world, today would have been fine. Lennie and George were having a vigorous discussion of the football but Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly was busy shouting in my ears so I only caught a couple of seconds of it. Not enough to even think of injury. The rest of the day was fine, helped along by a fine (if initially fishy) pot of Russian Caravan at Tea Tree Tea with a fine pair of blippers.

The train home was another story. Maybe it doesn't seem to justify more than a firm poke in the eye or a sharp twist of the ear lobe, maybe a Chinese burn (on both wrists) but sitting for 20 minutes fiddling with your silly wee camera whose every button bleeps is fantastically annoying. Fair enough, on reflection it doesn't warrant eye-gouging and acid ingestion in the Itchy and Scratchy style but at the same time, on a warm train, full of passengers, with everyone always on the brink of dozing, I think it deserved nothing less.

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