Club 107

By club107

sum of the parts is greater than the whole

There are many things that just work for me on a plate, there is a magical alchemy which means that the pizza is where the perfect base combined with cheese and tomato can taste just right, whereas a lesser version of either, well it doesn't hit the mark. Galette de ble noir, with cheese, an egg, some mustard and some butter, a stunning combination, a perfectly cooked lentil dal, the spices, herbs etc just the sort of thing I could eat every day, patatas bravas with mayonnaise and chili powder, socca with pepper, long missed never forgotten, the list is endless.

Sometimes the simplest ones work likewise, I am very much more a savoury than sweet eater, but Greek yoghurt and jam, when they start mixing together makes me want to eat it by the jug.

So what is your favourite 'magical combination' on a plate? Answers on a postcard...

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