Everyday is Red

By everydayisred


Today, I turned 32.

I couldn't help but think back about where I was year from now, and what has changed.
There have been many changes.
And if anyone would have told me about the miles I would travel, the people who would be gone, the patience I would acquire and the peace I have come to know,
I would have thought that they were crazy.

I know 32 is no big whoop for most people, and to tell you the truth it really isn't for me either.
But I will say this, I am older and wiser this year.
I have learned to see without my eyes, but more with my heart.
I have learned to give with my entire body and soul.
I have accepted differences and the fact that some things you will never be able to change.
And I have taken full responsibility for the person I am.
I refuse to blame anyone or anything on the life I have and live now.
These are all good things.

Today we slept late, drove into our favorite little town not far from here, had a wonderful lunch and watched the waves for a while.
We came home later, took a long, lazy, sleepy nap and now we are off to see a movie.
32 is looking pretty darn good so far.

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