Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

Worn Out!

Another fun filled day with little M. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find new reading books at the library since M will only read those containing dinosaurs....we found 2 today but we will have to move to another library soon!

Met up with my SIL for lunch some hectic playtime for the boys! Wow, 3 boys of 4 and under make a hell of a lot of noise! Still M looks completely worn out now, so at least he'll be getting an early night, which may mean one for me too.

Took some lovely photos of M and my nephews today but I'm trying to steer away from too many portraits so something I knocked up in the kitchen. It'll do! You must have a peek at this photo of M though, he gave me the look!
The one that says, 'Mummy, you are getting on my nerves now! Get that blasted thing outta my face!'
Not sure how you long term blippers have managed to keep your ideas alive, it's so difficult to get my mind functioning!

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