
By millyanatrees

bike tree

Thanks for the comments yesterday on the crativity front, this is my bike tree.....if you go here :

you'll find a slightly better photo of my umbrella tree, which was the first attempt at making a tree from recycled objects....the brief college gave us was climate and nature or something, so I had a broken umbrella (climate) and the obvious way to link it was to turn it into a tree! well that's what I thought anyway. We later had a brief for a forests project which was where I was in my element being an outdoor lover. At the time I was involved with a bike recycling scheme and got a frame and some old garden wire and a pile of brown fabric that I had no idea what I'd do with but it was perfect for the trees from freecycle. It was inspired by the photo's I found online of some trees that had grown around bikes that had been left propped up against them...this is the bike becoming the tree...supposedly. Anyway we learnt all about how to speak the lingo on that course, just talk a load of crap about what the thing is about and how it relates to the brief.....I just made it tie in with that because I happened to really want to make another tree, and using a bike was a bit unusual and thought it would be quirky for the bike scheme too :).

Aaanyway, nothing much happening at the moment, I'm still all over the place, been having some bad and really vivid dreams lately so I'm not quite with it either. This is a lazy blip and also to get some feedback on my tree and whether or not I should make some more and try and sell them. Might do :)

ps, please ignore my shockingly bad photo shopping, I was trying to rub out the dodgy peeling wall paper behind it, it's the only place in the house i can display this where the cats can't knock it down, unfortunately they thought I made them a lovely exciting climbing frame, so I've had to tie it to the light fitting, not a good idea probably, but it's deterred them from clambering all over it a bit! I will decorate this room eventually....only been here 5 years!!

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