Bill Door

By BillDoor

What have I become.

Up until very recently I have managed to avoid being suckered into buying electronic toys. This christmas has changed all of that. Our credit card has taken a total hammering as we needed to get a new TV. Which we got and its great. I should have stopped there but didn't. We needed a new DVD player as the £17 one we got from Asda was missing its remote control thanks to Stan the dog genius. So we got that along with a surround sound system at a really good price. Then I spotted the Playstation 3. Which I am now losing large parts of my life to. Which is just as well as I am now totally broke paying for all these things.

Now this is the really horrible bit, the picture is of wallpaper that I downloaded from the online playstation store. No, really. I am now becoming a geek and I can't hardly believe it.

No doubt this will pleaseStuart.

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