Cereal for dinner

Beautiful and glorious sunset this evening. Glad to have caught the end of it. After my fellow blipper pddesigns headed home, I was left squatting on a rock near the dock. I could hear the crackle of barnacles and the sounds of birds. I could hear far off noises of people doing something, and I could hear the calmness of the water.

I haven't had that kind of feeling and peacefulness with nature in a long time. My life is so loud now. I really enjoyed that few minutes of quiet.

Then I clambered up the rocks and spotted stevenmichael still hanging out for a few last shots. It is nice to talk with people who have the same interest. We're all like a bunch of nerdy photogs, but I love it.

The boys are eating cereal for dinner. Their choice after a big lunch. I think I will join them now. :) Please don't leave without viewing in large. Need to fix that wee bit of a slant right if I have time...

Send your thoughts and prayers to Catherine. Reu is back in hospital. He's been through so much, and I do hope he feels better soon.

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