Nora Batty ??
Well this is my response to this week's challenge Tired A busy couple of days and a late night last night - feet up and a cuppa! I'm not sure this was a good idea as my feet leave a lot to be desired- small, square and fallen arches - nice! The socks are quite cool though, albeit a little wrinkly! Well it may not be major art but it's colourful.
An interesting film last night - Another Year, directed by Mike Leigh. A very sedately paced and minutely detailed look at a contented long married couple and their damaged friends. Unsparing and strongly acted - focusing on all the things people don't say to each other but should! Quite uncomfortable in its realism!
Dull and grey now but listening to my new CDs - yes, I'm the only person on the planet who still buys CDs - The King is Dead by the Decemberists - rather good :) I also purchased Robert Plants' Band of Joy - also pretty fab.
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