The Chaos Bros

By vik

Poorly Bros

Bro1 - sent home from school yesterday, sneezing and coughing and generally feeling yuck. Still off today but going back tomorrow!

Bro4 - the runniest nose I have ever seen and really quite grumpy with it.

Bro2 - went to school today but fell asleep half an hour after he came home, complaining he feels rubbish. Hmm, not a good sign...

Bro3 - after yesterday's birthday excitement he woke up howling at 4am with a temperature of 39.7. Paracetamol & Ibuprofen helped a bit but that was the end of my night's sleep. Docs this morning, huge spotty tonsils that amazed our GP, penicillin to the rescue!

Me - funnily enough no Blip inspiration so this'll have to do. So blooming close to getting to 365 without a gap there was no way I was missing a day!

Back to tending snotty noses and haters of penicillin I go.....

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