A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Walk 3 today - Moorland Magic, but I wanted to do the 2011 challenge for this week too so decided on this slight play on words.

I went into work this morning for a couple of hours to sort out a few things and help ex boss Rebecca but I explained I had to leave by 12 as I was meeting Corinne for our Wednesday walk. This is what you can do when you are re tired.

I have my foot on this picture because I knew when I got back my feet would be tired but I would be happy. We had a lovely walk across from our usual woods on to the moors with views in all directions. This is looking toward Hainworth village and the Bronte moors in the distance. A little further on we crossed harden Moor with the remains of a stone track created to transport stone from the quarries there many years ago. These are deeply rutted with the tracks made over the years by the cart wheels (tyres!?) Another blip one day maybe?

Well it is better than either me or Chris falling asleep in the chair which often happens when I get back from these walks - but it is allowed when you are re -tired!!

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