The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox


Went for a walk on the beach to get away from revision. Bah, 24hr exam tomorrow. We get the question at 9am then have until 8:59am on friday to hand in 2000 words :o Horrible. Just hoping we get a nice question... though it is on hydraulics of the catchment system...

Anyway, the highlight of my day was probably getting a good luck card from my family :D and as an added bonus, the postman recognised me from last year up on uni halls and knew what flat I'd been in!? Crazy!

Met another friendly photographer on the beach called Alan. We were both ready to capture the sunset, but unfortunately it just went darker grey and started raining :-/

I did just manage to snap this little feller from about 1m away (still using a compact with very little zoom - luckily I'm patient!).

Thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday xxx and thank to Bernard who put my Haiku in his blip :)

and good news about my DSLR - It'll be ready in about a week! Yaaaaaaaay!

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