
By Instography

Pre-dawn Edinburgh

No, not again! But this is new improved pre-dawn Edinburgh with added atmospheric cloud and moonshine (but not that kind of moonshine). It would be nice if at least some of the people in the tenements on Bank Street would get out of bed and put a light on. It would lift that big dark patch in the middle.

Today I gave my morning to the cause of Line Management. I tried humour - line management is easy: use a ruler - but they insisted on the full 90 minutes of stressing the importance of regular one-to-ones to discuss objectives and managing performance. I suppose after 20 years it was high time somebody told me what I should be doing. Who knows how many careers I've ruined with my ignorant bumbling appraisals. The best bit was the discussion of the occasional need to "transition people out of the business". Got to love a good euphemism.

The afternoon was surrendered to discussion of large tenders involving much dough. Nice if you get it, disastrous if you don't. That's my life 'til September now. Fun. Actually, it is good fun.

Right, enough from me. Still got work to do. But thanks for the kind words and favourites on yesterday's coffee stop. It's nice when people give up one of those precious favourites for one of your snaps. Cheers.

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