Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

lovely busy day...

Last day of nursery this week, lie in tomorrow yay!!!

Bit of baking over coffee with mum before Irene and the gorgeous Shone came to visit the cats.

Irene I have known since I was exactly 6 years old when my mum and I moved on my 6th birthday, the first move just the 2 of us. Ron and Irene had a daughter, Anna who was 2 at the time and a bump who turned into Shona.

Shona now owns and runs a wonderful vintage clothing boutique in Norwich called Prim Vintage Clothing. She came down to Newbury partly to look at my mums theatre groups costumes. They had a number of beautiful vintage clothes that they were worried about ruining by using as costumes and needed to raise some funds to keep the little theatre they have going. Shona was happy to look at the clothes and as it turned out buy them for the shop.

We all had a lovely lunch post nursery at R&Is house then headed up to the theatre at which point Alfieaquited himself very nicely then passed out on the floor. I thuoght that meant we could get him home for a nap and have a quiet afternoon finishing the baking but no, he went bananas (in a good way) after his 10min nap to the point that my headache hit migraine!

Mind you he and I had lovely cuddle and then doze on the sofa before S got home, proper sit on the lap and snuggle kind of cuddle.

It was lovely catching up with Shona, I haven't really seen her properly since she was a teen and I was 21 and Alfie was thoroughly spoilt.

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