Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Pocket Dog

So by special request, another "baby".

This wee man is a teeny weeny cute little Yorkshire Terrier, who came in for a routine weight check for worming.

We recommend monthly worming for dogs, as all dogs carry inhibited worms from birth, and can develop and pass worm eggs which are potentially dangerous to humans, within 6 weeks of a de-worming dose.

On the basis there are 10 preventable cases of ocular larval migrans causing blindness in children in the UK every year, and that every one could have been prevented if the owner of the dog gave a simple, cheap de-worming dose every month, this is why we recommend such regular treatment.

Anyway, health warning aside, this pup is destined to be a well loved and much cared for pooch, as his owner obviously dotes on him!

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