Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Smelling is Free, but the Eating...Not so Much

First Wednesday class day. 1-3 Gender, 4-6 grad section of Violence Against Women, then a race home to grab my car in time to make my 6-10 Qualitative Methods. Somewhere in there, managed to make it to Jimmy Johns for some sustenance. Have always loved this sign and wanted for so long to take a picture of it. Now i can! And did!

*is it sad that my 'story spot' is longer than my blip description?

She glanced at her watch. Late. Again. But no worries. In all reality, it didn't matter when she arrived. They never even noticed when she was there. Somewhere along the way, she had stopped caring. The freedom to go where she wanted without being noticed might have made the girl a great spy, but government wasn't where she wanted to be. The girl sped up her walk a bit as she crossed into a part of town that even the residents called "the bad side".

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