Club 107

By club107

You take the high road and I'll take the low road

Spent a good part of the day pushing tasks to unsuspecting 'volunteers', oh I recall my father telling of his time in the army. 'We need three volunteers,' announced some senior army fellow, 'you, you and you.' he continued pointing at the chosen ones. And so it was today.

It is hard to believe but the Scot's night we attended this evening was actually supposed to be back herewhen snow lay thick on the ground and the bird boxes. So tonight the children in our eldest's year dusted off their kilts and read poems, sang songs, danced and performed. It was a spendid evening of celebration of Scottishness, managed the Gay Gordons with child #2, and nane a yer P2 nonsense, this was proper GGs, met some parents whose children I know, others I don't. Lordy if school had been like that in my day ....

And on the way out a teacher told me that child #2 should be allowed to have the juice as she had been, amongst other things, been dancing, tidying chairs and tables once wine and cheese were cleared up and hoovering a classroom. Youngest daughter is available for general house duties for weekend, payable in Popo Cops, I guess.

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

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