
By FauxPunk



Interesting day on Tuesday... work was going well until about 3.30, then things went a bit Pete Tong. I ended up staying behind an hour and a half after my finish time to get something done. Wednesday was my day off, and I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy the day if I didn't sort it out before I left.

That meant straight to the pub quiz from work - which is why I didn't start fat club until Weds (which is tomorrow, or yesterday as I'm writing this for Tuesday but on Thursday!) I pigged out. It was awesome.

What was not so awesome was our performance in the quiz. James has now moved to Kent, and Allison couldn't make it. We missed them. We actually came last. An all time low!

Still though, was quite pleased with this portrait of Mathew. There are alternative edits here and here. I actually like the colour one, can't decide which is best!

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