must try harder

By halfcj

That's the puppy!

Today had been fairly ordinary with little to report until I noticed on facebook that my Dilly's brother Ace, who lives the life of Riley in and amongst the open fjords of Norway, became a daddy to 8 spritely little pups, 4 of each I think. Saw a photo of them at just a few hours old, mummy exhausted flat out as they all fight for bragging (well, feeding) rights, survival of the fittest!

The really good news here, apart from the obvious, is that for those of you who may have followed my blips over the last month may have seen my shot of the two dog bowls in memorium of poor Bibbi who was taken prematurely...well these pups are with the same owner in Norway, so, they say, as one life ends, another this case 8 lives!

It took me back to seeing my Dilly at the same age in similar photos. The excitement, anticipation. There are people out there, seeing these pictures, enjoying that anticipation of their bundle of joy arriving with them in 9 weeks or so. Wish it were me again! So I felt it very appropriate to take a shot of my Dilly, his eyes that make your heart melt, in tribute to Ace and Sjira. Well done the pair of you.

Yes, today was a very good day!

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